Saturday, 15 May 2010

Facts Related To Urinary Tract Infections

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In case of urgency to urinate, followed by burning and the release of a very small quantity, that persists for more than one day, a visit to a doctor becomes necessary.

Bacteria and germs present in the areas of the anus and of the vagina can enter the urethra and infect the normally clear urine. There are times, in which the bladder fights bacterial invasion by its own means, but this doesn't always happen and so infection appears.

Escherichia coli produces 90% of the urinary tract infections that may include Urethritis or cystitis. The symptoms of these infections may be taken for those of vaginal and irritable bladder.

The most frequent symptoms are:

* - Burning sensation when urinating
* - Pain in the abdominal area and in the back
* - Traces of blood inside the urine
* - Unusual color of the urine
* - Urgency to urinate

More than one day of these symptoms requires medical advice, to prevent the infection to touch the kidneys. In case it already did, fever, vomiting, nausea, chills and back-pain appear and treatment is absolutely necessary.

About 7 million cases of UTI appear every year. More than 80% of the patients are women because it is easier for batteries to enter their urethra, due to its dimensions and location.

Although children may experience UTI, too, the most at risk are women, which have at least one urinary tract infection during their lifetime, most of the time generated by and related to sexual intercourse. Pregnancy and post-menopause are also risk factors.

The most frequent factors are:

* - Sexual intercourse, which allows the bacteria to achieve the bladder
* - Diaphragm and condoms
* - Dehydration
* - Abnormalities of the urinary tract

By following the tips below, yon can prevent UTI:

* - A good hydration sends away bacteria from your urinary tract
* - Wipe your front to the back to avoid the entrance of bacteria from the anus area into the vagina
* - Hydration before and after sex will increase the amount of urine, which doesn't allow the bacteria to remain in the urinary tract
* - Schedule frequent bathroom breaks
* - Use other methods of contraception, instead of the diaphragm
* - Avoid clothes that can irritate your tissues or trap heat
* - Cotton underwear should be preferred to nylon

There are several steps in the treatment of UTI. The first one consists in the diagnosis's confirmation, by urine culture and urinalysis and is followed by antibiotic treatment.

Urinary tract infections may have common symptoms to these of vaginal infection, gonorrhea, irritable bladder, chlamydia and bladder cancer. In case pain is stronger than the other symptoms, the doctor most probably faces a case of interstitial cystitis.

Besides antibiotics, the treatment may also require a urinary analgesic, such as phenazophyridine. The antibiotics are prescribed in most of the cases for a week to ten days in recurrent infection, and for about 3 days in other situations.

You can be more comfortable by following these indications:

* - Hydrate yourself properly to eliminate the bacteria
* - Drink a glass of water that contains a tea spoon of baking soda
* - Limit the use of coffee, spices, citrus fruits, alcohol, tomatoes and chocolate
* - Cranberry juice can help you eliminate bacteria more easily
* - Ease your pain by using hot water filled recipients

By Rodney Kadel

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Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Women And Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections

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The urinary tract is the part of the body that filters and eliminates most of the liquid wastes from the body. While any affections occurring may be painful, they lack severity and can be treated. It seems women are more exposed to urinary tract infections than man, most women have at least one form of urinary tract infection in their life time. For those that suffer from repeated infections, it is very unpleasant.

Three or more urinary tract infections increase the risk of developing others. For the women affected by this recurrence, there are several methods of treatment available:

* A single dose of antibiotic should be taken after sexual contact

* Low doses of TMP/SMZ or nitrofurantoin taken for 6 months proved themselves effective in most of the cases

* Use antibiotics in low doses for about 2 days after the apparition of the symptoms

There is also a test consisting in dipsticks that change color in presence of an infection, which have 90% accuracy. They are used on the first urine of that day and can determine recurrent infection.

Other steps to prevent recurrent infection

* A good hydration is important, and so is the use of cranberry juice or vitamin C

* Don't ignore the need to urinate, or resist it

* Wipe the aria from the front to the back to allow no anus area bacteria to enter the urethra

* Showers should replace baths

* The genital area should be very hygienic before sexual contact

* Some cosmetic products can produce irritations, so it is better not to use them.

For now, a vaccine against UTI is not available, but, based on the research that show immunoglobines prevent urinary tract infection; the scientists are working on one.

This vaccine will prevent UTI recurrence and will have the forms of pills, injections and vaginal suppository.

Urinary tract infections are painful and unpleasant so they are bothering the affected persons, but the treatment is effective and they are almost never serious.

By Rodney Kadel

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Friday, 7 May 2010

Types Of Urinary Tract Infections

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Though developing a urinary tract is common for both sexes, women are more prone to develop one than is a man. The reason behind this is thought to be because of the biology of a woman. Entrance to the urinary tract system is through the urethra which is located very near to the area of the rectum where lots of E.coli bacteria flourish.

E.coli is just one source of a urinary tract infection. There are many causes and just as many treatments for those people who suffer with frequent urinary tract infections. For common urinary tract infections caused by the E.coli bacteria, there are many treatments you can effectively use at home.

There are different types of urinary tract infections that a person can develop. We will discuss these different types along with some of the symptoms that accompany them.


Nephritis is defined as any kind of inflammation of the kidneys. Some symptoms of nephritis can be a reduced flow of urine, blood in the urine or a cloudy appearance to your urine. Nephritis can affect one or both of your kidneys. You may experience an edema which is retention of fluid abnormally, or you may experience pain in the area of your kidneys or your loins. Your doctor may order a hematuria which is a diagnostic workup to see if you have this condition. You will also have a urinalysis so the doctor can see what is in the sediment of your urine. This condition is commonly treated with antibiotics.


Cystitis is the most common type of urinary tract infection. The condition refers to inflammation or infection of the bladder. Some symptoms you may experience when you have cystitis are pain or burning when urinating, feeling an urgent need to eliminate as well as frequent trips to the bathroom. Often this type of urinary tract infection is easily treated with antibiotics and should clear up quickly.


This condition is caused by bacteria that have spread from the bladder and causes a kidney or ureter infection. If your doctor thinks you have pyelonephritis, he may want to do urine testing or take x-rays. Some of the common symptoms for those with pyelonephritis are pain in the side, back, loins or groin. You may also experience symptoms of cystitis along with a fever, vomiting or nausea. This can be accompanied by chills and shivering. Your doctor will often prescribe a course of antibiotics, painkillers and advise you to get plenty of bed rest and drink lots of fluids.


Having urethritis means that your urethra is inflamed. Some symptoms you may experience if you are suffering with urethritis are discharge from the urethra, and burning or pain when you are urinating. Some underlying conditions that can contribute to a patient developing urethritis are sexually transmitted diseases, trauma to the urethra during intercourse, trauma or damage to the urethra from horseback riding or cycling. There are many other ways that one can develop urethritis such as wearing tight pants, misplacing your tampon, having sexual intercourse without lubrication to name just a few of the common causes patients develop urethritis. Usually sufferers of urethritis are prescribed a course of antibiotics by their health care provider.

How to Avoid Developing a Urinary Tract Infection

There are many things the average person can do in order to avoid developing a urinary tract infection in the first place. Good hygiene in your genital area is especially important if you are a woman. You can be sure you are properly lubricated before intercourse as well as urinating both before and after the act. You can also utilize cotton underwear that won’t irritate or rub against the area when you are sitting. You can also be sure you drink a lot of fluids and urinate whenever the urge strikes you. If you hold your urine in for long periods of time, it can stretch your bladder as well as allow bacteria already present time to flourish and grow.

There are many natural and herbal remedies available over the counter if you suffer with frequent urinary tract infections. If you are experiencing any pain in your back, side or pelvic area or if you are experiencing blood in the urine, you should see your doctor for further treatment advice.

By Pawel Reszka

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Monday, 3 May 2010

Fighting Against Urinary Tract Infections

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Urinary infections can be treated only by the doctor. When a person thinks it has an infection and comes to the doctor, he will have to give an urine sample. The patient will be asked to clean his genitally area and then urinate into a sterile cup.

If the doctor suspects an infection, he will prescribe some antibiotics to the patient, and then will send the urine sample to the laboratory. It takes about 48 hours to identify the exact type of bacteria, and after knowing its type, the doctor might change the medication, prescribing other type of antibiotics.

Antibiotics begin fighting the infection immediately, but they can’t stop all the symptoms right away, so, if the patient has a lot of pain as a result of the urinary tract infection, the doctor will prescribe a medication to release his pain. This medication will color the urine, giving a bright orange color, but that does no harm.

It is important that patients take medication as long as the doctor prescribed it, even if they start feeling much better and think the infection is gone. Usually this medication lasts for seven to fourteen days, but if the patient’s symptoms aren’t much better after 2 or 3 days of treatment, it is necessary to call the doctor.

Drinking lots of water during and after the treatment is very important because the bladder cleanses itself every time you urinate. Coffee and spicy foods must be avoided, but cranberry juice may be helpful. Also it is recommended to give up smoking because this vice is linked to bladder problems.

People who go to the doctor when the first symptoms of urinary tract infection appear should easily get well after a few days of treatment, but in more serious kidney infection, the patient may need to return to the doctor to see if the infection is really gone. The doctor might advice the patient to avoid sexual intercourse for a week, to allow the inflammation completely disappear.

For preventing urinary tract infections, holding urine for long periods of time must be avoided. Girls should wipe from front to back with toilet paper after urination. After bowel movements, in order to avoid spreading bacteria from the rectal area to the urethra, you must wipe from front to back.

The genital area should be kept dry and clean, girls should avoid frequent bubble baths because the vaginal area can be irritated. Wearing underwear with cotton crotches is also helpful, and girls should skip feminine hygiene sprays because the urethra is affected.

Sexual active persons should go to the bathroom before and within 15 minutes after intercourse, and gently wash the genital area to remove any bacteria

It is important to know that urinary tract infections are uncomfortable and often painful, but they can be easily treated.

By Grojan Fabiola

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