Saturday, 15 May 2010

Facts Related To Urinary Tract Infections

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Urinary Tract Infection
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In case of urgency to urinate, followed by burning and the release of a very small quantity, that persists for more than one day, a visit to a doctor becomes necessary.

Bacteria and germs present in the areas of the anus and of the vagina can enter the urethra and infect the normally clear urine. There are times, in which the bladder fights bacterial invasion by its own means, but this doesn't always happen and so infection appears.

Escherichia coli produces 90% of the urinary tract infections that may include Urethritis or cystitis. The symptoms of these infections may be taken for those of vaginal and irritable bladder.

The most frequent symptoms are:

* - Burning sensation when urinating
* - Pain in the abdominal area and in the back
* - Traces of blood inside the urine
* - Unusual color of the urine
* - Urgency to urinate

More than one day of these symptoms requires medical advice, to prevent the infection to touch the kidneys. In case it already did, fever, vomiting, nausea, chills and back-pain appear and treatment is absolutely necessary.

About 7 million cases of UTI appear every year. More than 80% of the patients are women because it is easier for batteries to enter their urethra, due to its dimensions and location.

Although children may experience UTI, too, the most at risk are women, which have at least one urinary tract infection during their lifetime, most of the time generated by and related to sexual intercourse. Pregnancy and post-menopause are also risk factors.

The most frequent factors are:

* - Sexual intercourse, which allows the bacteria to achieve the bladder
* - Diaphragm and condoms
* - Dehydration
* - Abnormalities of the urinary tract

By following the tips below, yon can prevent UTI:

* - A good hydration sends away bacteria from your urinary tract
* - Wipe your front to the back to avoid the entrance of bacteria from the anus area into the vagina
* - Hydration before and after sex will increase the amount of urine, which doesn't allow the bacteria to remain in the urinary tract
* - Schedule frequent bathroom breaks
* - Use other methods of contraception, instead of the diaphragm
* - Avoid clothes that can irritate your tissues or trap heat
* - Cotton underwear should be preferred to nylon

There are several steps in the treatment of UTI. The first one consists in the diagnosis's confirmation, by urine culture and urinalysis and is followed by antibiotic treatment.

Urinary tract infections may have common symptoms to these of vaginal infection, gonorrhea, irritable bladder, chlamydia and bladder cancer. In case pain is stronger than the other symptoms, the doctor most probably faces a case of interstitial cystitis.

Besides antibiotics, the treatment may also require a urinary analgesic, such as phenazophyridine. The antibiotics are prescribed in most of the cases for a week to ten days in recurrent infection, and for about 3 days in other situations.

You can be more comfortable by following these indications:

* - Hydrate yourself properly to eliminate the bacteria
* - Drink a glass of water that contains a tea spoon of baking soda
* - Limit the use of coffee, spices, citrus fruits, alcohol, tomatoes and chocolate
* - Cranberry juice can help you eliminate bacteria more easily
* - Ease your pain by using hot water filled recipients

By Rodney Kadel

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